ARTS CULTURE TORRINGTON – The Arts and Culture Commission of Torrington
Minutes – April 30, 2014 – 10:00-11:00am – Council Chambers
Present (commissioners): Ed Cannata, Fiona de Merell, Kimberly Fazzino, William Haygood, Jessica Hodorski, Mike McAllister, Jacque Williams
Also attending: Mayor Elinor Carbone, Erin Wilson (Economic Development Director)
Apologies: Sharon Waagner
I. Call To Order
The meeting was called to order by Jess Hodorski at 10:05 a.m.
II. Open Public Meeting
Motion by Jacque Williams, seconded by Mike McAllister.
III. Acceptance of previous Meeting Minutes
Motion by Kim Fazzino, seconded by Ed Cannata.
IV. Review of ACT Charter
The commissioners confirmed that they had all reviewed the charter. There were no questions.
V. Review and permission to send the thank you letter to Lynn Gelormino
The commissioners reviewed the draft letter to Lynn Gelormino. The letter was approved.
VI. Main Street Marketplace Update
a. Vendors
Vendor sign-up is going well, no issues. The website has helped with applications, and created more activity. Almost all vendor spots are confirmed. We have a great variety of vendors this year.
Erin asked if we have we talked to the Chamber’s Youth Entrepreneurial Academy about having a booth at a discounted rate. Kim is waiting to hear back, but has reserved space for them.
Ed: website averages 10-20 people per day. People are using the online forms.
b. Entertainment
Mike : 4-5 new bands have shown interest, via the website. Feedback: website only allows bands to upload one song. Ed: we can tell them to zip multiple files and upload that.
Erin: put contact info on the website for any questions people might have.
The Ents sub-committee (Jess, Jacque, Mike) will review all submissions and make recommendations to the Commission at the next ACT meeting.
c. Sponsorship
Ed: we have a commitment of $1000 from Charlotte Hungerford.
People want materials from Ed before they commit to sponsoring. Ed needs to meet with potential sponsors face to face (they had a relationship with Rose Ponte, who used to coordinate sponsorships, but don't all know him).
Ed: do the general public or local businesses think of MSMP as something we need to raise money for? Should we publicize that fact? How should it be positioned with the public? If we are going to send the message that we need donations, we need to publicize it strongly. We could add a page to the website showing various sponsors based on levels of donation, and also putting it in the weekly printed program guide.
Bill: Offering the framed MSMP annual print as part of the sponsorship package would be a good way of getting the images out there more successfully. Liberty Frames is willing to frame the prints by orders of 10.
There was some discussion about costs. MSMP available funds are low until we get more sponsorships. If we order framed prints and don’t sell them, or get the required sponsorship, that cuts into our funds. Also need to think about the sponsorship levels and who they are aimed at attracting.
Ed: we don't get that much sponsorship. MSMP sponsorships have been banks, hospitals giving the larger amounts, and then some smaller donations.
Jess: We will finalize the brochure by end of today. All commissioners, please start requesting sponsors.
We will create the following levels of sponsorship /poster options:
$25-49 sponsorship: copy of poster
$50+-$249: poster on foam backing
$250+: framed poster
Jess, Erin, Bill, Ed will meet with Laura at Liberty Frames to agree details.
Jacque: potential sponsors are asking questions about the logistics this year, what are they getting for their sponsorship, what are the details of the event this year?
Jess: we’re still waiting for confirmation from the DoT, but we can guarantee sponsors there will be at least 45 vendor spots, more outdoor dining, multiple ents, and theme weeks that will give MSMP a different feel every week. The 5-9pm time is unchanged.
Elinor: we should help sponsors understand where their money is going. This is a big financial commitment: police, tent costs etc.
Kim: we can create a banner in front of City Hall for all our sponsors.
Erin: we should also explain that there is a lot of material that sponsors will be on: Rep-Am, radio, website, weekly brochure.
d. Promotions
Waterbury Republican-American will be our partner again. It reaches 37 different towns; we want to draw in people from all over the region. There was discussion about creating TV spots. This could also provide another level of sponsorship.
e. Theme Weeks
Theme week ideas so far:
• Arts themed week. Arts Desire has offered to be responsible for organizing it. This is what we want!
• Fitness week
• Pet Adoption and Awareness week
• Manufacturers' coalition week
• Fashion week
• Community week (ents, cheerleaders)
• Carnival week
Dates for themes haven't yet been decided.
There was some discussion about tying MSMP with broader events in the future i.e.: Titans playing, Coe Park events.
f. Road-Closure
No confirmed update.
VII. New ACT Initiatives Brainstorming Session
Tabled until next meeting, however, a couple of ideas were mentioned briefly:
Jacque: possible music event on Sept 20 with Park & Rec. Jacque will bring more information.
Ed: could ACT decorate walls of City Hall to showcase historical photos? Security may be an issue. Ed and Bill will discuss with Torrington Historical Society.
VIII. New Business
Erin: Danielle Mailer is still looking for sponsorships. ACT may want to assist with this. Please put on agenda for next meeting.
Kim: Nutmeg is 3 weeks from graduation performances. July: Nutmeg / Five Points event, also reception at Nutcracker.
Jacque: request to revisit first agenda item at next meeting (charter discussion).
Jess: reminder that any requests for changes to charter need to be accepted by City Council and there needs to be a public meeting about them.
There will be a Special Meeting of the Commission on May 14th to discuss MSMP.
IX. Adjournment
Motion to close: Jacque Williams
Seconded: Mike McAllister
Meeting adjourned at 11:10am
Minutes taken by Fiona de Merell